5, 4, 3, 2, 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Can you believe it? It is 2023. The beginning of a new year is full of goal-setting and resolutions. It is time to make a 2023 automotive goal. Creating new habits can be difficult; luckily, we have tips and tools to help you. Avoiding or putting off preventative maintenance will decrease the life expectancy of your vehicle. Not only will it reduce the lifespan of your car, but it will also create a reactive mentality. Setting an automotive goal will shift the car care mindset to proactive vs. reactive. Please do not wait to care for your car till it is a problem. Making a habit part of your lifestyle starts with consistency. Choose one day out of the month to work on your automotive goal. For example, make the first Sunday of the month "Car Care." Below is a list of items to check when working on this goal:
-Check windshield wipers
-Check headlights
-Check the condition of your tires and air pressure
-Clean-out middle console and trunk
-Wash car
Monthly car care is the key to the longevity of your vehicle. For quarterly maintenance, please call or go online to schedule your next appointment.
Happy New Year!