Posted on 2/15/2022

Super Bowl LVI was held last weekend and whether you are a fan of football or a fan of 90's rap, the Super Bowl did not disappoint. The Super Bowl ranks among the world's MOST watched sporting events. This fact is not shocking at all, the Super Bowl provides entertainment for all. The burning question is, why do you watch the Super Bowl? Is it for the love of the game? Commercials? Half-time show? Or are you here for the snacks? A recent poll found that 52% of Americans watch the Super Bowl for the Advertisements/Commercials. Let's take a look at the Best Car Commercials from Super Bowl LVI. 1. Polestar "No Compromises" Some would say this commercial was a little "shady." Their running theme: NO punchlines, NO hidden agendas, NO compromises, NO conquering Mars. Hmmm, I do believe that was some shade thrown at Mr. Elon Musk. Polesatars message was simple and clear. 2. GM-Dr. EV-il EVerybodyin Dr ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2022

Did you know January kicks off the best "ski conditions?" Skiing, snowboarding, and sledding trips are fun, but the snowy conditions can pose a problem for drivers. If you are not familiar with driving in the snow, here are a few safety precautions to follow. Skidding and sliding are common while driving in the snow. The key is not to panic when this happens. Our natural reaction is to slam on the breaks, but DON'T DO IT! Instead, ease off the gas. Be prepared and carry the right supplies. Drive with a full tank of gas, lights on, and always carry chains. It wouldn't hurt to throw a snow shovel in the trunk too! Keep driving movements smooth and subtle. This includes control of the steering wheel, brakes, and accelerator. Look far ahead and keep a generous distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Most importantly, if a road is unplowed the maximum speed limit is 35mph ... read more