Posted on 2/19/2021

The month of February is generally known as the month of "LOVE." All month our social media has been focusing on "showing your car some love." If your not following us on social media, go give us a follow. Let's continue on the thread of love and focus on 5 self care tips for your car. You heard correctly, self care for your car! All too often we take our car for granted and think it will take care of itself. Wrong. Maintenance is key to the longevity of your car. Here are 5 self love car tips that sound simple but all too often neglected. 1. Keep your car clean on the outside and inside. Wash your car regularly. Over time mud, dirt, and rain will attach to the surface of your car. The minerals in these natural substances will cause damage to your paint job. Its important to wash your car regularly, especially after it rains. Have you ever gotten a ride from a friend, you get in the car and before you can even ... read more