Posted on 3/18/2022

The most important item in a person's productive life is their vehicle. We rely on our vehicle for everything! Our vehicle gives us the freedom to get from here to there at our own convenience. When a problem arises and our vehicle needs repairs, this throws a "monkey wrench" into our daily activities. So, if our vehicle is the most important item in our lives, why do we avoid regular car maintenance? According to a recent article, AAA states that 35% of Americans have skipped or delayed periodic car maintenance. Why? It comes down to two major reasons: Cost and Time. Have you heard the saying, "time is money?" This saying rings true when it comes to car maintenance. If you do not take the time now to service your car, it will cost you in the long run. Let's break down the time factor a little more. How long does it take to get a regular oil change? An oil change at max will take about an hou ... read more