Posted on 11/19/2021

Safety Tips for Driving in the Rain It's beginning to look and feel a lot like RAINY season! According to the U.S department of transportation, there are nearly 1.2 million auto accidents each year related to weather. Most of these accidents occur during rainfall. Here are some tips for driving in the rain: 1. Slow Down! Allow more travel time while it is raining. Traffic will be slower, so don't be in a rush-it is not worth it. Speeding while driving in the rain will cause hydroplaning. 2. Turn on your defroster: Turning on your defroster will prevent the windshield from fogging up, and give you better visibility. 3. Give extra room: Give yourself a safe amount of space between vehicles. The extra room will give you a better reaction time. 4. Avoid hard braking: Slow down, and give plenty of room so last-minute braking is avoided. 5. Stay calm if you ar ... read more