"Raindrops keep falling on my head."
If you reside in California, you can attest that we have had more rainy days than sunny days. Some would say this weather feels as if we live in Seattle. The Sacramento Bee reported it has rained for nearly half of 2023. It has rained 39 of the past 82 days! With the excessive amount of rain comes road hazards. Potholes are typically caused by weather, traffic volume, and the age of the road. It seems to be that every road and freeway in California is bombarded with potholes. The excessive amount of rain has increased the potholes in our area. When the water seeps into the crack of the road, it can expand during cold weather, causing the pavement to break apart. Once a vehicle drives over these areas, the pavement breaks more, creating potholes.
Avoiding potholes on the road will save you money. Hitting a pothole can cause damage to your car and a possible collision. Avoid potholes while driving by following these tips: drive cautiously, increase the amount of distance between you and other vehicles, watch out for puddles, and make sure your headlights are working. The city is working diligently to repair the ever-increasing pothole situation.
Drive safe.