Tag Archives: auto repair

Help! My Car is Overheating! What Should I Do?

Help! My Car is Overheating! What Should I Do?

Help! My Car is Overheating! What Should I Do?  We've all been there - you're cruising along, and suddenly, your car starts overheating. It's a stressful situation, but knowing how to handle it can save you from further damage and keep you safe. As an auto repair business, we've got your back. Here are some quick tips on what to do when your car overheats. 1. Don't Panic, But Act Fast: Take a deep breath and stay calm. As soon as you notice the signs of an overheating engine - steam, rising temperature gauge, strange smells - pull over to a safe spot. Don't wait it out! 2. Give It a Break: Turn off the engine and let it cool down. Be patient. Opening the hood right away can lead to steam burns, so wait at least 30 minutes. 3. Coolant Check: Open the hood and check the coolant levels once safe. Most likely, this is the culprit. Top it off; if you have coolant, be sure not to touch any engine parts. 4. Call for Help: If you're unsure about what caused ... read more



Cracked Windshield

Cracked Windshield

Did you know that 42.4% of Americans ignore this vehicle repair? Can you guess the neglected repair? Utires conducted a survey and found that a cracked windshield was the number one neglected to repair. Most people admitted to waiting 30 days or longer to replace their cracked windshield. It is hazardous to drive with a cracked windshield. Neglecting a cracked windshield can lead to several potential issues. Your vision is obstructed while driving with a cracked windshield. This can lead to a rise in accidents, especially in severe weather conditions. A cracked windshield increases the glare from sunlight and lights at night, preventing clear vision. A damaged windshield increases the risk of ejection when in a car accident. Another problem that can occur is the airbag not deploying correctly during an accident. The windshield acts as a barrier to keep the airbag in place; a cracked windshield lessens the effectiveness. Neglecting a cracked windshield can lead to more d ... read more

Hazards of the Road

Hazards of the Road

"Raindrops keep falling on my head." If you reside in California, you can attest that we have had more rainy days than sunny days. Some would say this weather feels as if we live in Seattle. The Sacramento Bee reported it has rained for nearly half of 2023. It has rained 39 of the past 82 days! With the excessive amount of rain comes road hazards. Potholes are typically caused by weather, traffic volume, and the age of the road. It seems to be that every road and freeway in California is bombarded with potholes. The excessive amount of rain has increased the potholes in our area. When the water seeps into the crack of the road, it can expand during cold weather, causing the pavement to break apart. Once a vehicle drives over these areas, the pavement breaks more, creating potholes.  Avoiding potholes on the road will save you money. Hitting a pothole can cause damage to your car and a possible collision. Avoid potholes while driving by following these tips: d ... read more



2023 Automotive Goals

2023 Automotive Goals

5, 4, 3, 2, 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it? It is 2023. The beginning of a new year is full of goal-setting and resolutions. It is time to make a 2023 automotive goal. Creating new habits can be difficult; luckily, we have tips and tools to help you. Avoiding or putting off preventative maintenance will decrease the life expectancy of your vehicle. Not only will it reduce the lifespan of your car, but it will also create a reactive mentality. Setting an automotive goal will shift the car care mindset to proactive vs. reactive. Please do not wait to care for your car till it is a problem. Making a habit part of your lifestyle starts with consistency. Choose one day out of the month to work on your automotive goal. For example, make the first Sunday of the month "Car Care." Below is a list of items to check when working on this goal: -Check windshield wipers -Check headlights -Check the condition of your tires and air pressure -Clean-out middle consol ... read more



12 Days of Christmas Foreign Autohaus Edition

12 Days of Christmas Foreign Autohaus Edition

12 Days of Christmas Foreign Autohaus Edition We thought it would be fun to have a Foreign Autohaus 12 days of Christmas blog and focus on 12 tips to care for your car during winter. Throw on your Santa hat, and let's get to it. On the first day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Replace your windshield wipers.  On the second day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Rotate your tires. On the third day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Keep up on preventive maintenance. On the fourth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Be prepared with an Emergency Car Kit. On the fifth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Ensure front and rear defrosters are working. On the sixth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Check headlights and rear lights. On the seventh day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Stop and check the spare tire. Make sure your spare tire is not deflated. On the eighth day of Christmas, F ... read more



Give Thanks to Your Vehicle

Give Thanks to Your Vehicle

November is the month of Thanks and Gratitude. Here at Foreign Autohaus, we are grateful for our loyal customers. We took a poll on Social Media and asked our followers and customers, "Give us three reasons you are grateful for your car." We were not shocked by the responses. The repeated answer from all of our followers was convenience. We can all agree that when your car breaks down, it is the biggest disrupter in your life. An inconvenience is putting it lightly. We strive to make our customers' auto repair experience as convenient as possible. Convenience at Foreign Autohaus starts with the ease of scheduling your appointment. Did you know there are two ways to prepare for your next service? You can call us or go online; both are fast and efficient. Making life even more convenient, we have a comfortable waiting area with wifi, coffee, and water. This way, you can work while your car is being serviced. We've got you covered if you need a ride t ... read more



How to Maximize Gas Mileage

How to Maximize Gas Mileage

Cha-ching, Cha-ching! The sound you hear every time you pull up to the gas pump. Nationwide everyone is feeling the effects of record-high gas prices. In California, gas prices are reaching a record high for the second time in 2022. Breaking records is fun, but not when it affects our bank accounts. Are you asking yourself: How can I improve my gas mileage? What driving habits affect fuel efficiency? How can I save money at the gas pump? The best place to start is...our driving habits. This is one area we can correct quickly.  1. Slow down; it is not a race!! Avoid accelerating quickly when driving—rapid acceleration and speeding while driving will burn more gas. Refrain from braking at the last minute.  2. Turn off your car. If you are waiting to pick up children from school or practice, turn off your vehicle—an idling car will burn gas. In a recent article, the California Energy Commission states that an idling vehicle can burn as much as ... read more



Hot Hot Hot!

Hot Hot Hot!

Hot, Hot, Hot!  Living in Northern California we are not surprised or shocked when a heat wave sweeps through our area.  Last week temps were over 100 all week long.  During a week like that, this is definitely not the time we want our car to overheat.  Let's talk about what to do if your car overheats, what not to do if your car overheats, and how can you prevent this from happening. First, how can you tell your vehicle is overheating?  Here are three signs that your car is overheating; the temperature gauge is rising, a weird smell, and there is visible steam coming from the engine.   What do you do if your car overheats? First and foremost, stay calm.  Do not panic.  Pull over to a safe secure area and turn off your car.  If you are not familiar with working on cars, now is not the time.  Call roadside assistance or a tow truck.  Leave this for the professionals.  While waiting for the tow truck to arrive wa ... read more

Car Wash Time!

Car Wash Time!

Trivia Question? How often should you wash your car?  a) once a week b) every 2 weeks c) every 3 months Answer: every 2 weeks Experts say we should get a car wash once every two weeks for optimal results.  Now, this depends on environmental factors.  Living in an area with dirt roads or lots of salt (ocean) you will find you need a car wash more often. Whether you like to wash your car at home or take it to your local car wash, we know there is nothing better than driving in a clean car.  A clean vehicle inside and out takes your driving experience to the next level. Sticking to a 2-week car wash schedule will also keep you on track from collecting "junk in the trunk" 😂. Less time in between washes will create a clean car routine.  Periodic cleaning is much easier than one big clean day!  Let's check out a local spot Foreign Autohaus uses for all our car wash needs. Folsom Glenn Car Wash has been the leading car wash i ... read more



Summer Road Trips Within Driving Distance

Summer Road Trips Within Driving Distance

Summer 2022 is breaking travel records! TSA is reporting this as the busiest travel season they have seen in years.  Are you ready to travel but don't want to deal with flight delays and cancellations?  We have a list of our top 4 summer travel destinations within driving distance.  Our top summer driving destinations will have you speeding out of the hot Northern California weather.  All 4 destinations will have you racing towards cooler temps and scenic beauty.   Topping #1 on our list--Lake Tahoe.  Tahoe provides a breathtaking landscape that can not be matched.  Snow-capped mountains and the crystal clear lake will make you ask yourself, "Should we move here?" Summer activities in Tahoe are endless: hiking, rent a jet ski, helicopter tour, bike tour, sail tour, horseback riding, and zip-lining.  Did we mention the weather during summertime in Tahoe is perfect!  During the summer months, the weather ranges from 73-80 d ... read more

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