Posted on 10/1/2019

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, also known as ADAS, are becoming popular features in today’s modern vehicles. But what do these driver assist systems mean to you and your automobile? ADAS is an evolving technology that could potentially change the way we commute in a huge way. Driver assist systems could start anywhere from your car helping you drive more safely, all the way up to driving the car without your help. It’s mind blowing how ADAS systems have the potential to help society with the following travel issues: Drive a blind person to the doctor’s office without the need for a hired driver. Reduce the risk of human-induced accidents. Drive children back and forth to school without having to disrupt the parents’ work days. Cars that park themselves while the family goes shopping. Cargo trucks driving cross-country to deliver goods without the need of a driver. Improved ability to study, work, and sleep while riding in a car. While this is incredi ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2019

Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash It’s September, and there are so many exciting things going on! School is back in session. Business is picking up again. The weather is starting to change, and people who love the outdoors are cramming in as many road trips as possible. A lot of people are excited to start heading into the mountains for ski season. Mountain road trips are quite demanding on your vehicles, and you need to make sure your vehicle is ready for the drive. Mountain road trips can be rough on your clutch, your transmission, your brakes, your suspension, and your tires. The more remote your mountain destination, the more rugged the terrain will be. You don’t want to risk a breakdown in the middle of ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2019

It’s August, and you know what that means, right? It’s Car Show Season! As owners of European automobiles, this is an exciting time of year. This is the season where many automobile aficionados polish up their favorite vehicle, head out for a fun day trip, and go see a beautiful lineup of classic automotive beauties. To celebrate this wonderful time of year, here is our list of the best car shows located within a day’s drive of Folsom, El Dorado Hills, and Sacramento. August 2-3, 2019 -- Hot August Nights in Virginia City, NV More than just a car show, this entertainment-packed event kicks off the beginning of August in Virginia City, NV. If you love classic cars and cruising, head to the first weekend of Hot August Nights. August 6-11, 2019 -- Hot August Nights in Reno & Sparks, NV The follow up to Virginia City, of course, is the more famous destination in Reno. Ren ... read more